Platelet functions and haemostasis parameters in pigs: Absence of side effects of a procedure of general anaesthesia

Abstract Pigs are largely used as experimental animal models of thrombosis and for testing the anti thrombotic drug efficacy. Generally experiments are performed on pigs under general anaesthesia and observations can be affected by the anaesthetic drugs used. The effects of a general anaesthetic procedure were checked on pig haemostasis parameters; the pig was pre-anaesthetized with ketamine chloride, then intubated and ventilated with a mixture containing halothane, nitrous oxide and oxygen. Bleeding time, platelet aggregations, coagulation factors, coagulation inhibitors, fibrinolysis parameters and markers of activation of coagulation were determined on 30 Large White pigs before and under this anaesthesia procedure. Compared to human coagulation, pig is characterized by very high levels of factor V, VIII, IX, XI, XII activities, same levels of factor II, fibrinogen, antithrombin III (ATIII), low levels of protein C activities. Thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) and tissue plasminogen activator antigen (tPA) values were dispersed. With the reagents used, protein S, prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), D Dimers (D-D), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAi) levels could not be determined. No difference was observed between results obtained before and under anaesthesia, particularly no increase of bleeding time, no modification of platelet aggregations and no activation of coagulation. This anaesthetic procedure does not induce any modification of pig haemostasis and can be used, without side effects, for experimental thrombosis studies in pigs.
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