Cross-domain Attention Network with Wasserstein Regularizers for E-commerce Search

Product search and recommendation is a task that every e-commerce platform wants to outperform their peels on. However, training a good search or recommendation model often requires more data than what many platforms have. Fortunately, the search tasks on different platforms share the common underlying structure. Considering each platform as a domain, we propose a cross-domain learning approach to help the task on data-deficient platforms by leveraging the data from data-abundant platforms. In our solution, the importance of features in different domains is addressed by a domain-specific attention network. Meanwhile, a multi-task regularizer based on Wasserstein distance is introduced to help extract both domain-invariant and domain-specific features. Our model consistently outperforms the competing methods on both public and real-world industry datasets. Quantitative evaluation shows that our model can discover important features for different domains, which helps us better understand different user needs across platforms. Last but not least, we have deployed our model online in three big e-commerce platforms namely Taobao, Tmall, and Qintao, and observed better performance than the production models for all the platforms.
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