Особенности адаптивных реакций сердечно-сосудистой системы студентов-спортсменов с различной вестибулярной устойчивостью и вегетативной регуляцией

Modern sports training demands constant improvement of balance function from which, in turn, the functional state of neuromuscular system depends. Sports activities of different kinds stimulate certain adaptive changes in a human body. The goal of the research is to study cardiovascular system adaptive reactions of student athletes with different levels of vestibular stability and cardiac autonomic regulation. The study involved 110 student athletes of the Institute of Sports and Physical Training, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, aged 17-19 who don´t have high sports qualification. The level of male students´ vestibular stability was determined by the test of Coriolis acceleration´s cumulative effect. The type of cardiac autonomic regulation was estimated on the basis of the mathematical method for Heart Rate Variability analysis developed by R.M. Baevsky. The obtained results show the high level of vestibular stability of students involved in team sports, and the middle level of athletes. Individual characteristics of cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms of student athletes with different levels of vestibular stability are also presented in the article. It has been revealed that cardiovascular system adaptive reactions of student athletes correlate with a certain degree of tension of regulatory mechanisms: satisfactory for sympathicotoniques with a middle level of vestibular stability and for vagotonics with a high level of vestibular stability; vagotonics with a middle level of vestibular stability and sympathicotoniques with a high level of vestibular stability showed tension of regulatory mechanisms.
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