Experimental and clinical study of immunomodulators Immunomax and Gepon in complex treatment of acute purulent surgical infection

: The efficacy of the immunomodulators immunomax and gepon in the treatment of acute purulent surgical infection of soft tissues was studied under experimental and clinical conditions. Gepon was used in the form of 0.04% ointment in the phase of the wound infection regeneration vs. the routine use of 10% methyluracil ointment. Immunomax was administered in a dose of 40 units under the experimental conditions and 200 units in the clinical trial 3 times every 2nd day intramuscularly. The experimental investigation was performed on 20 male guinea pigs in a model of a suppurating wound. The animals were divided into 2 groups (main and control) of 10 animals each. Flat wounds were prepared according to the A. V. Nikolaev's method. The clinical trial enrolled 126 patients with acute surgical infection of the soft tissues. The patients were treated in the Hospital of General Surgery of the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University during the period from 2003 to 2004. The patients were divided into 2 groups (main and control). The structure of the main and control groups was comparable by the sex and age of the patients, nosological forms and severity of the disease. The patients of the main group (65 subjects) were given the immunomodulators in complex with the routine surgical treatment and drug therapy. The patients of the control group (61 subjects) were given the same surgical treatment and drug therapy but without the use of the immunomodulators. General and local manifestations of the purulent infection were considered as the criteria of the treatment efficacy. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the wound bacterial infection was determined and histological examination of the wound bioptates was performed. Planimetry of the wound surface was carried out and the acceleration index of the wound clearing and healing was evaluated. In the total, high therapeutic efficacy of immunomax and gepon, practically no contraindications and adverse reactions to their use, the ease and simplicity of their handling can be stated.
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