Hipoglucemia en una paciente no diabética

espanolEl insulinoma es un tumor formado por celulas especializadas beta de los islotes de Langerhans pancreaticos, que segregan constantemente insulina, lo que causa hipoglucemia. El diagnostico del insulinoma se realiza mediante la clinica (sintomas neuroglucopenicos y adrenergicos), la analitica (glucemia, peptido C e insulina) y la prueba de imagen complementaria (normalmente tomografia axial computerizada) que objetiva el insulinoma. El tratamiento consiste en la intervencion quirurgica mediante enucleacion del insulinoma, pancreatectomia parcial o total o cirugia con la tecnica de Whipple. Aunque es cierto que el insulinoma es una patologia rara, en atencion primaria hay que sospechar su presencia en pacientes con clinica sugestiva y solicitar analitica para completar estudio. EnglishInsulinoma is a tumor formed by specialized beta cells of the islets that are constantly secreting insulin, which causes hypoglycemia. The diagnosis of insulinoma is made through the clinic (neuroglycopenic and adrenergic symptoms), the analytical (glycemia, C-peptide and insulin) and the complementary image test (usually computerized axial tomography) that targets the insulinoma. The treatment consists of surgical intervention by enucleation of the insulinoma, partial or total pancreatectomy or surgery with the Whipple technique. At the Primary Care level, although it is true that insulinoma is a rare pathology, it is necessary to suspect it in patients with suggestive symptoms and order lab tests (or blood tests) to complete the study.
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