TheMoretheMerrier?WorkingTowardsMultidisciplinary ManagementofObstructiveSleepApneaandComorbidInsomnia

Sleep disturbances are an important public health problem with over 70 diagnosable sleepdisorders listed in the (ICSD-2; International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Second EditionAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005). Two of the most prevalent sleep disorders areobstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia (Ram, Seirawan, Kumar, & Clark, 2010). Muchis known about the clinical features of these two disorders and there are effective treatmentsavailable for each disorder. Moreover, OSA and insomnia commonly co-occur in patients whopresent to sleep disorders clinics. However, much less is known about the characteristics andoptimumtreatmentofthiscomorbidcondition.Ourprimaryobjectivewastoreviewthecurrentliterature on the diagnostic considerations, clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatmentapproachesforpatientswithOSAandcomorbidinsomniaandtohighlightthepotentialbenefitsof a multidisciplinary treatment model for this comorbid condition. A secondary objectivewas to discuss challenges in treatment implementation for this population and to present aresearch strategy for investigating treatment pathways. We conclude by discussing areas forfurther research and clinical considerations that could optimize care of patients with comorbidsleep disorders.
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