Aulacoseira subarctica: taxonomy, physiology, ecology and palaeoecology

Knowledge of the morphology, taxonomy, physiology, ecology and palaeoecology of the filamentous freshwater diatom Aulacoseira subarctica (O. Muller) Haworth is reviewed from the literature. The species is widely distributed across Northern Europe, Scandinavia and North America, Japan, China, Australia and New Zealand, in the last usually as fo. subborealis. The species is rare in the Tropics and positive identifications are lacking for Africa. The importance of correct identification is stressed because literature reports of its occurrence often need revision. A comparison is made between two sites with detailed records of its seasonal cycle. Blelham Tarn, England, is a clear-water seasonally stratified lake; Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, is a very large turbid and unstratified lake. In spite of their contrasting characters, Aulacoseira subarctica succeeds in both lakes. In Blelham Tarn, there is a strong seasonal cycle of growth, dormancy on the sediment and further growth on re-suspension. In Lough Nea...
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