Основные тенденции социально-психологической адаптации первокурсников под влиянием фактора мотивации выбора профессии и учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Әлеуметтік-психологиялық бейімделу негізінде бірінші курс студенттерінің таңдау мақсаттары

This article examines trends in the social and psychological adaptation of college freshmen. The main factor determining these trends to deter­ mine the motivation of choice of profession and training and professional activities. To distinguish between adaptation and forms of its violation (maladjustment), as well as the strain of teaching and professional work of students (as a distorted form of adaptation, a consequence of maladjust­ ment). It was found that students with the dominant cognitive motivation often show signs of maladjustment, but as its consequence ­ social help­ lessness. Students with the prevailing social motivations are more focused on communication with the low level of pre­university training they show signs of maladjustment content, which further leads to the alienation of academic work, academic infantilism. Only a harmonious blend of motifs determines the optimal flow of the process of adaptation of freshmen.
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