Clinical diagnostic criteria of modern spice addiction

Introduction Populations of spice addicts in Ukraine demonstrate distinct tendency for steady spreading, and transitory psychotic episodes, overdosing and fatal cases are being registered in consequence of smoking. “Spice” are synthetic analogues of tetrahydrocannabinol. Aims and objectives To develop an average personified clinical portrait of spice addict for more specified therapy. Method Twelve patients who consumed spices systematically for 1–2 years were observed. Methods of examination: clinical psychopathological, psychological testing, clinical laboratory. Results Main spice addiction diagnostic criteria were: Spice smoking, obsessive and uncontrolled anosognosic desire and craving to test on themselves effects of their action, pathognomonic tolerance increase, specific post-intoxication consequences. After the first smoke inspiration heavy intoxication with euphoria and loss of surrounding real perception, sexual disinhibition and craving to repeat smoking manifested after the first smoke inspiration. Then, spice smoking became subjectively pleasant, caused condition of intoxication with increased mood, fussiness, was accompanied with feeling of hunger, thirst, and hoarse voice. In the patients rather quickly (for 2–3 weeks) twice reduced duration of intoxication state from 40 to 20 minutes, loss of situation and quantitative control over smoking was observed. Clinical specifics of addiction for spices smoking is rather quick (from 5 to 10 trials) formation of psychic equivalent of addiction, extremely intensive and emotionally saturated craving for smoking, quick rise of tolerance with loss of situational and quantitative control over smoking. Conclusions Definite rules in the development and formation of spice dependence is necessary to be considered while developing programs for therapy and prevention in clinical narcology.
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