Agroecología: una nueva asignatura en los planes de estudio de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

At the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, an Agroecology degree courseis created in 2015, with a new methodological and epistemological approach that integratesteaching, research and extension. The linkage between teachers trained in specific disciplinesand teachers trained in agroecology ensured a comprehensive view that considers biophysical,social, economic and cultural dimensions of agroecosystems. We consider the experiencepositively, both due to the increase in the number of participants and the duration of the course(from two to four months), as well as their inclusion in the curriculum. However, the limitationsfaced by graduates in the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems are notovercome with a single course, but with the creation of agroecological oriented chairs and/ordegree programmes, which would be a contribution to a productive paradigm change.
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