Tömeges könyvtári felhasználóképzés távoktatási formában az SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtár e-learning platformján

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are one of today’s popular and effective educational solutions. This presentation connects directly to another, held by our colleagues. Last spring, we have managed to create a complete e-learning package with our team at the SZTE Klebelsberg Library in order to meet the unprecedented challenges during the pandemic. We have more than 10 years of experience from organizing the Introduction to library and information science compulsory course for the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, which means about 5-600 students per semester. In our presentation, we will share insights about our experiences managing the e-curriculum and the system of tools behind it: starting with the platform and the database of the exam questions, followed by the communication with the students and ending with the grading method. We will also address the initial extreme difficulties, emerging requests and evaluate the first year’s experiences as well.
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