Two-Dimensional Non-abelian BF Theory in Lorenz Gauge as a Solvable Logarithmic TCFT

We study two-dimensional non-abelian BF theory in Lorenz gauge and prove that it is a topological conformal field theory. This opens the possibility to compute topological string amplitudes (Gromov–Witten invariants). We found that the theory is exactly solvable in the sense that all correlators are given by finite-dimensional convergent integrals. Surprisingly, this theory turns out to be logarithmic in the sense that there are correlators given by polylogarithms and powers of logarithms. Furthermore, we found fields with “logarithmic conformal dimension” (elements of a Jordan cell for \(L_0\)). We also found certain vertex operators with anomalous dimensions that depend on the non-abelian coupling constant. The shift of dimension of composite fields may be understood as arising from the dependence of subtracted singular terms on local coordinates. This generalizes the well-known explanation of anomalous dimensions of vertex operators in the free scalar field theory.
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