A Study Numerical Simulation of Post Combustion CO2 Capture Process

Amine absorption technology, in particular that based on the Monoethanolamine (MEA) process, is considered to be viable for low pressure flue gas CO2 capture because of the MEA-CO2 fast reaction rate. MEA absorption processes are associated with high capital and operating cost because a significant amount of energy is required for solvent regeneration and severe operating problems are present such as corrosion and solvent loss and degradation. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of obtaining the heat required for amine absorption for a particular recovery of carbon dioxide. Comparisons among cases were performed to determine the best operating conditions for CO2 capture. An analysis of the lean loading and recovery percent were carried out as well as the different absorber and stripper combinations by using the chemical processes simulator.Copyright © 2009 by ASME
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