NSLS transvenous coronary angiography beamline upgrade and advanced technology initiatives

Since October 1990, the coronary anatomies of a total of 16 patients (male and female) have been imaged at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) as part of the Dual Energy Digital Subtraction Transvenous Coronary Angiography research program. This program takes place in the Synchrotron Medical Research Facility (SMERF) on the X17B2 wiggler beamline. Encouraged by the success of the initial patient images, the NSLS has recently embarked on an ambitious upgrade effort. This effort covers all aspects of the X17B2 beamline and includes improved radiation shielding, a Laue monochromator assembly, a computer‐controlled five motion patient scanning chair assembly, a fast low‐noise image acquisition system, and a modularized patient safety system. These improvements will allow major advances in imaging patients based on ECG signal gating and multiple view imaging. Two advanced technology initiatives are underway with industrial collaborators. One will develop real‐time image acquisition and display of the ...
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