Primary moult of continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa in the Doñana wetlands, Spain

ABSTRACTCapsule: Most Continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa using the Donana wetlands during post-breeding migration appear to begin moult before they arrive and suspend moult before they migrate onwards to West Africa.Aims: We aim to describe the primary moult strategies and patterns in the Continental Black-tailed Godwits using the Donana wetlands, a major passage and wintering area for waterbirds in southern Spain.Methods: Individual godwits were captured, marked and their primary moult was scored in Donana during the non-breeding season (June–March) in 2011 and 2012. Data from resightings of colour-marked godwits and birds equipped with satellite transmitters were used to estimate stopover duration during post-breeding migration (June–September) to determine if godwits move to West Africa before completing their primary moult.Results: Average primary moult duration was estimated to be 84 days ± 9 se, during 29 June–21 September and did not differ between sexes. Only 2% of individuals w...
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