Growth and characterization of neodymium and ytterbium doped barium chloride dihydrate single crystals

Abstract Pure, Nd doped and Nd:Yb co-doped barium chloride dihydrate (BaCl 2 ·2H 2 O) single crystals were grown and analyzed with various characterization techniques. The measured unit cell parameters show that the grown crystals belong to monoclinic system. Powder X-ray diffraction spectra indicates that the dopants enhance (2 1 0) orientation of BaCl 2 ·2H 2 O crystal. X-ray rocking curves have been recorded to analyze the crystallinity of the grown single crystals. Optical absorption spectra of the grown crystals contain strong absorption bands in infrared region. Spectral overlap of absorption bands of Yb 3+ and Nd 3+ ion around 850 nm–1060 nm in Nd:Yb co-doped single crystal indicates the prospect of energy transfer between them. A significant enhancement has been observed in the photoluminescence spectrum of Nd:Yb co-doped single crystal recorded with 244 nm laser excitation. Photon upconversion ability of the crystals was tested using Nd:YAG laser of wavelength 1064 nm. An unusual upconverted green emission from pure centrosymmetric BaCl 2 ·2H 2 O single crystal has been observed. The energy of upconverted green light of Nd:Yb co-doped barium chloride dihydrate single crystal is higher which may be due to energy transfer occurred between Yb 3+ and Nd 3+ ions. FTIR and FT-Raman spectral analyses were carried out to study the vibrational modes of pure, Nd doped and Nd:Yb co-doped BaCl 2 ·2H 2 O single crystals.
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