Linking population genetics and growth properties of Atlantic cod

It is strongly implicated that cod in the NorthAtlantic Ocean is sub-structured at a smallgeographic scale exemplified by studies fromCanadian, Icelandic, and Norwegian waters. Inthe first part of this review, we reviewedpopulation genetics studies in these threeareas and our conclusion is that, despite someinconsistencies in the numerous genetic studiesof cod in Norwegian and Icelandic waters, andthe northwest Atlantic, these studiesillustrate that cod in the investigated areasconsists of several distinct populations, bothwithin and between areas. However, tounderstand the contradictory results obtainedin some of the studies discussed in thisreview, more knowledge about the influence ofnatural selection, mutation, and genetic drifton the genetic material of cod is necessary.Such knowledge could guide us to the markersgiving the best illustration of the geneticstructure in these areas. Identifying andgenetically characterizing wild stocks areessential steps for their conservation, sinceoverexploitation of genetically differentpopulations can lead to the loss of geneticvariability and productivity in subsequentgenerations.
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