A ten-year surveillance of atmospheric pollens and moulds in the Bangkok area.

Environmental allergens such as pollens and fungal (or mould) spores are known to be the principal cau­ sative agents of naso-bronchial aller­ gic diseases in humans. l Informa­ tion on the distribution of pollens and mould spores in the atmos­ phere is not only beneficial to patients, but also is valuable to phy­ sicians in other parts of the world because it enables them to warn tra­ velling patients about potential ha­ zards in new environmen ts . We previously reported on a 3­ year survey of atmospheric pollens and moulds taken at Siriraj 'Hospital in Bangkok between January 1972 and December 1974. We have now finished a lO-year study at our hos­ pital station. As a followup surveil­ . lance of the atmospheric environ­ ment, we considered that it would . be interesting to report on the dis­ tribution of these potential aller­ gens in the atmosphere of the same area over a longer observation period .
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