Beschreibung der Elektroenergiequalität an der Schnittstelle zwischen Elektroenergieversorungsnetz und Elektroenergieabnehmer

Description of power quality at the interface between energy supplier and customer A non-optimal power quality can lead to substantial costs in industrial processes. Therefore the availability and quality of power supply have to be adapted to the necessity of the supplied industrial and technological processes. However, reality looks differently. Problems with power quality increased in the last years. A reason for this trend is also the more and more liberalized energy market, where the number of for example converter-fed drives or sensitive loads, like computer networks, increased substantially. These factors have been contributing e.g. to a sharp increase of harmonics in power supply. Therefore it's absolutely necessary to involve the aspects of power quality into the planning and engineering process. The indicators of power quality like harmonics, voltage dip, flicker etc. have to be determined under the aspect of operation of equipment and processes under a risky nonconformist way. Therewith and also by use of mathematical/numerical models of equipment, processes and electrical network as well one has the chance to describe the complete planning, engineering and running process under the aspects of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The level of power quality of the power supply versus to its loads is the obligatory benchmark of all partners within the same power network and necessary to guarantee a quality-conform, reliable and safe production process. Five examples show how the effect of power quality in order to integrate the results into the engineering and/or planning process of electrical equipment and power supply networks has to be analysed. Furthermore it is shown how a customer can use the results to optimize his power supply structure under a minimum risk related to the process or product and also under the point of view to reduce investments.
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