Reproducibility of iodine-123-hippuran renoscintigraphy in the normal pig at various flow rates.

: Twenty-two pigs with normal kidney function and upper urinary tracts were examined with renoscintigraphies once a week for 4 weeks. In order to study the influence of urine flow on the reproducibility, renoscintigraphies were undertaken during various urinary flow rates. Renal split function was reproducible at any level of and independent of the urinary flow rates. For parenchymal and pelvic mean transit times a normogram was constructed for selected urinary flow intervals. An inverse relationship to urine production was seen. Parenchymal and pelvic transit times were fully reproducible when data were compared in two or three consecutive examinations of the same kidney at the same urinary flow rate. Both parenchymal and pelvic mean transit times were however significantly different (p less than 0.001) in kidneys studied from one urinary flow rate to another. Single kidney hippuran clearance was fully reproducible when compared in the same urinary flow interval. However a significant difference was found (p less than 0.05) when single kidney hippuran clearance was compared in renographies undertaken at different urinary flow intervals. Furthermore the study suggests that the size of hippuran clearance is dependent on the urine production, since an increase in hippuran clearance was seen in relation to increase in urinary flow. In conclusion this pig study showed, that monitoring of the urinary flow rate is extremely important in this very commonly used clinical investigation, and that the investigation should be performed in the same state of hydration at any renography to obtain reproducible results.
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