Health care in Java : past and present

Godelieve M. van Heteren, "Which differences will have to go? The variety of physiological differentations in the colonial context of Java 1860-1900" / Rosalia Sciortino, "The multifariousness of nursing in the Netherlands Indies" / Han Mesters, "J.L. Hydrick in the Netherlands Indies: An American view on Dutch public health policy" / Ina E. Slamet-Velsink, "Some reflections on the sense and nonsense of traditional health care" / Solita Sarwono, "Personalistic belief in health: A case in West Java" / Nathalie Kollmann and Corrie van Veggel, "Posyandu: Theory and practice" / Rosalia Sciortino, "Rural nurses and doctors: The discrepancy between Western concepts and Javanese practices" / Ines Smyth, "Maternal mortality and family planning in Indonesia" / Juliette Koning, "Family planning acceptance in a rural Central Javanese village" / Ratna Saptari, "The political economy of smoking: The case of the cigarette industry in Indonesia"
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