Pulse shape analysis of individual gamma events—Correlation to energy resolution and the possibility of its improvement

The measurement in 2014 of the nonproportionality of each decay component in CsI:Tl found opposite slopes of the fast and tail nonproportionality curves above about 10 keV. Somewhat earlier experiments on nonproportionality and resolution versus shaping time in NaI:Tl and CsI:Tl showed that proportionality and intrinsic resolution could be improved by including the slower “tail” component of the scintillation pulse. The observed opposing nonproportionality trends of fast and tail components constitute a basis for improvement of scintillator nonproportionality if they are added in a suitable linear combination. We examine whether combining the rise and decay components pulse by pulse with an algorithm of optimized proportions may also improve energy resolution. The premise is that a scintillation pulse carries more information about the particle stopping event than is conveyed in a simple measurement of the pulse height. In this work, we measured pulse shapes of individual gamma events in CsI:Tl and other ...
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