Variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en jugadores adultos de voleibol aficionado

The objective of the present study is to describe the heart rate variability in adult amateur volleyball players before and after a competition. In amateur volleyball championships, various state and national competitions are organized that take place over a very short period, a player can react differently to the intensity of the stimulus and recovery time, and in the event of an excess or overtraining it may occur a reduction in performance. The objective of the present study was to describe the heart rate variability in adult amateur volleyball players before and after a competition. The study corresponds to a non-experimental, quantitative, longitudinal design with a descriptive scope. The study was carried out with four amateur players with national trajectory at a competitive level. All the players presented a progressive decrease in HRV, causing an imbalance in the sympathetic-vagal balance, increasing the sympathetic influence. The exhaustion and decrease in sports performance is confirmed in the players who participate in intensive lathes for a short period of time, presenting a high risk in the players due to the lack of recovery. It is suggested to the sports authorities and organizers of volleyball competitions, schedule the events and the role of games with more distant encounters that ensure the recovery of the players, to take care of their physical and mental integrity.
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