Censorious appraisal of Malahara Kalpana

The name “Malahara'' is derived from the Unani system of medicine, where similar formulations are termed as “Malham”. In Ayurveda it comes under “Lepa Kalpana'' and has been in existence since the time of Charaka Samhita. However, the term “Malahara'' was first observed in Yogaratnakara and subsequently seen in Bharat Bhaisajya Ratnakara, Rasatarangini and Rasatantrasara & Sidhaprayoga Sangraha in sequential order. Malahara Kalpana is a very useful and potent pharmaceutical preparation for external use, and it can be compared with ointments, creams and pastes in modern pharmaceuticals. These formulations are predominantly used in conditions like Vrana (wounds) and Kushtha (skin diseases). Here the active medicaments are mixed with fatty bases, which in addition to facilitating absorption into skin, enhancing shelf life and bringing convenience of use, also add their own properties to the formulation. Not only the ingredients but even the method of preparation used in various Malahara Kalpanas, has been meticulously designed and varies based on the ingredients and the indication of the formulations. Although in Ayurvedic texts we find a detailed description about its different kinds of formulation, there is limited knowledge available about Malahara Kalpana. This article is an attempt to bring about clarity on the subject through review of various Malahara Kalpana given in different texts.
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