1000 Days to First Light: Construction of the Perth-Lowell Telescope Facility 1968-71

Negotiations began 1n 1968 for a telescope facility at Perth Observatory for NASA's International Planetary Patrol Network. 1,000 days later the telescope saw first light. The facility bears no resemblance to other observatories. Inside a dome, the telescope sits on a 42 ft tall concrete pier with a wrap-around staircase and concrete legs. Surrounding forest is similar in height to the dome, the design of which is counter intuitive. This study investigated why, at the risk of compromising performance, there was a departure from standard design, and to to identify drivers for the decision making. Observatory visitors learn of a government architect, Tadeusz Andrzejaczek who made whimsical, successive increases to the height of the structure. Though designed in collaboration with Acting Government Astronomer, Bertrand Harris, it is improbable that a public servant architect would have such influence over a scientific installation. Vibration amelioration was met by designing massive strength and rigidity into the structure. Thermal expansion and wind stresses were reduced using features such as shade fins and protective walls, and ground thermal disturbance was addressed by simply making it tall. Seeing measurements were not a significant design consideration. The facility exists with its current floor height because of successive approvals for modification. The initial design was by Harris and requests for redesigns came from him but in close negotiation the Andrzejaczek who desired a structure of futuristic shape and proportions. Harris's designs were influenced by his personal English background and the Old Perth Observatory where he worked as an astronomer. Andrzejaczek's design was influenced by an observatory in his birth city, his alignment with contemporary designers and his artistic flair.
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