Schwierigkeiten bei der Realisierung von Contracting-Projekten

The fundamental requirement for the acceptance of lenders for heat contracting is that the contractor is deemed independent of other commercial interests (sale of a certain technology or a specific energy medium) on the basis of its line of business. The electricity industry represents a specific problem insofar as electricity suppliers have a de facto regional grid monopoly and also offer contracting. It should therefore come as no surprise if such bidders offer an electric heat pump rather than a block CHP station as the core of a property supply system. However, conflicts of interest also arise in other groups of contracting bidders. Bidders from the sphere of production of energy systems will probably initially regard contracting as a method of marketing their own products and components. Even service providers who appear to be independent at first sight may be restricted by cross-holdings or other financial ties to consultants, manufacturers or financial institutions and thus have disadvantages from the point of view of the contracting client. Decisions on contracting bids should therefore be made in a fair, competitive process, involving bidders from different sub-sectors.
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