Effect of weediness on the water content of the soil: A field study

Abstract Maize is a vigorous and tall‐growing plant. Still, as a widely spaced crop, maize is highly susceptible to competition from weeds during its early growth period, with losses greater than 30% commonly reported. To characterize the nature of maize–weed competition, nutrient and water contents of maize and weed plants and the soil were determined in a field study. The experiment was carried out at Baracska, Hungary, in 2003, in a 9.2‐ha project area. Sampling areas (2×2 m in size, 21 altogether) were assigned, identified with global positioning system (GPS) coordinates, and left without weed control. After the emergence of maize, the frequency and density of weeds at the sampling sites were regularly determined, and samples of crop and weed plants and soil (from the depths of 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, and 80–100 cm) were taken for analysis of water and nutrient contents. Three weed species were dominant: jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), and wild hemp (Cann...
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