Thermochemical IR Sources: COCHISE and FACELIF Experiments

Abstract : Each of the experiments performed in the COCHISE facility has measured a fundamental chemical quantity such as a relative branching ratio, a quenching rate coefficient, or developed a new detection technique. These measurements are then provided for incorporation into the various atmospheric radiation codes, such as NORSE and SHARC, where they provide a solid experimental footing for modeling the complex chemical system of the upper atmosphere. The following papers provide the details of these experiments. (a) Branching Ratios for Infrared Vibrational Emission from NO(X2PiI,v'=2-13) (b) Ro-vibrational Excitation of Carbon Monoxide by Energy Transfer from Metastable Nitrogen (c) Quenching of N (2D) by 0(3P) (d) Detection of N(4S) by Resonantly Enhanced Multi-photon Ionization Spectroscopy COCHISE, FACELIF, Chemiluminescence, Ro-vibrational excitation multi-photon ionization, NO, CO, N(2D), 0, N(4S), Quenching.
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