Фитомеланин - средство стимуляции репродуктивной активности мышей-самцов

We investigated the possibility of using water-soluble fitomelanin to improve the reproductive activity of intact male mice and restore male reproductive activity, reduced by effects of ionizing radiation. In the experiment, to stimulate the reproductive activity of male mice, they were given a course of melanin in liquid form, orally. The experiment was conducted with fitomelanin with water solubility not less than 80% and the concentration of paramagnetic centers not less than 8*1017 spin/g, dissolved in the distilled water at an effective concentration. Animals were consuming fitomelanin dissolved in their drinking water, for 8-10 days before the mating and within the mating period. The stimulating effect was achieved in case of a course intake of melanin, in concentration 12.5-50 mg per 100 ml of drinking water, thus increasing the number of animals per litter in intact mice in 1.34 times at and in mice with reproductive activity compromised by radiation exposure in 1.23 times.
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