Locomotor behavior of bonnet monkeys after spinal contusion injury: Footprint study

Analysis of gait functions following spinal cord injury has been widely studied in rats, mice but limited in primates. This investigation was performed to quantitatively analyze the degree of functional recovery in bipedal locomotion in bonnet monkeys after induced spinal cord contusion. The degree of locomotor recovery was examined by measuring four gait variables, viz., tip of opposite foot (TOF), print-length (PL), toe-spread (TS), and intermediary toe-spread (IT) from the recorded hindlimb prints of monkeys using ink and paper technique. Contusion was induced in spinal cord at T12-L1 level in anaesthetized monkeys by using the Allen's weight drop technique. Postoperatively, all spinal contused animals initially showed a significant decrease in TOF, which then gradually increased for longer duration and attained the near normal values by the sixth month. On the other hand, PL, TS, and IT variables in hindlimb prints of contused animals were found to dramatically increase initially and then slowly decrease subsequently. Later there was a recovery to insignificant levels which differed from the corresponding preoperative values by the fifth month. The observations of this study suggest that the functional contributions of the spared fibers, especially in ventral and ventrolateral funiculi, through collateral sprouts or synaptic plasticity that were formed in the contused spinal cord may be responsible for substantial recovery of hindlimb movements. Moreover, based on analysis of footprint variables observed in locomotion in these subjected monkeys, we understand that spinal automatism and development of responses by afferent stimuli from outside the cord could possibly contribute to recovery of the paralyzed hindlimbs. Synapse, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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