A Geostatistical Approach to Denoise and Interpolate Experimental Complex-Valued B1 Maps

+ unknown, using the kriging technique: ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 1 1 i m i n i k x B x x B r r r + = + Σ = α α λ with 1 ) ( 1 = Σ = α λ x i n i r B is given by the simulation. In the scope of this preliminary study, all the properties of the RF coil were not used to their full extent, especially the very different field distribution in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Two variograms could have been built from the measured maps for the kriging process to improve its performances. Some information about the nature of the AFI sequence noise or artefact could be extracted as well from the analysis of residual error between measured and kriged data. Finally, the entire kriging algorithm can be implemented on a personal computer and run in a 5-minute lasting routine.
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