COPD: How can evidence from randomised controlled trials apply to patients treated in everyday clinical practice?

Abstract Objectives To evaluate the degree to which evidence from large clinical trials can be applied to patients treated in a local hospital cohort of COPD outpatients. Methods The authors selected seventeen RCTs identified in a systematic way from GOLD 2019 consensus document, and applied their inclusion and exclusion criteria to a real-world cohort of a previous cross-sectional study of 303 COPD outpatients included consecutively. Results When the inclusion criteria of the 17 RCTs were applied to a real-world cohort of COPD outpatients, only a small portion of them were eligible to participate in the referred trials, from 4.29% to 60.07%. However, when both the inclusion and the exclusion criteria were applied, only as little as 3.63% to as much as 40.59% of patients were eligible to participate. Hence, only a small fraction of patients from this cohort could benefit from the findings of these RCTs. Conclusions There is a need to complement the efficacy evidence provided by large RCTs according to the extent to which their results, designed to target significant patient populations, can be applied to typical patients treated in routine clinical practice.
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