Experimental study on eutectic reaction between fuel debris and reactor structure using simulant materials

Abstract It is important to ascertain the mechanisms underlying the eutectic reaction between different reactor materials that might be encountered during a Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR) since such reactions will affect the accurate progression of a severe accident. In this study, motivated to understand the characteristics of the probable eutectic reaction between fuel debris and the lower head of reactor vessel, a series of simulated experiments has been conducted at the Sun Yat-sen University using a couple of rather lower-eutectic-point (456 K) materials (namely Sn particles and Pb pellet). The experiments were carried out in a self-designed experimental system, which mainly consists of a sample holder and a visible resistance furnace. To acquire a relatively comprehensive understanding, a variety of experimental parameters such as the reaction temperature (463–483 K), contact pressure (0.4–1.2 MPa), Pb pellet diameter (10–25 mm) along with the diameter (0.3–3 mm) and geometry (spherical, cylindrical and droplet-shaped) of the Sn particles have been taken. Through detailed analyses, it is found that the reaction temperature and contact pressure can have noticeable positive impact on the reaction rate. As for the size of Pb pellet and Sn particles, with increasing the diameter ratio of Sn particles to Pb pellet, a non-monotonous effect is observed due to the competing role between the contact area and contact pressure. An evident influence of Sn particle geometry on reaction rate has been verified in accordance with the variation of particle-bed porosity. The analyses in this work also suggest that the reaction rate in previous experiments using block-block samples is generally larger than present experiments using particle-pellet ones, especially at a higher temperature. Knowledge and evidence obtained from this work will be utilized for the design of future high-temperature experiments using actual reactor materials as well as for the improved validations of eutectic-reaction-related models incorporated in fast reactor severe accident codes.
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