Оценка степени дифференциации эдильбаевской и калмыцкой пород овец по микросателлитам

Given the population-genetic characteristics of two populations edilbaevskoy and one Kalmyk sheep breeds. Investigated sheep characterized by a high level of genetic diversity: average number of alleles per locus is 9,82-10,91 MS, with the effective number of alleles per locus varies depending on the breed in edilbaevskoy from 5.32 5.54 and in the Kalmyk breed 5.66. Was identified 46 private alleles in eight of the 11 loci MS, including 15 in the two populations edilbaevskoy purebred breeds and 16 alleles in Kalmyk breed. Identified four porodospetsifichnyh private alleles at a locus INRA49: three in Kalmyk breed 129, 131 and 133, and 147 allele in edilbaevskoy breed Saratov region, who met with the frequency 33.3, 14.6, 10.4 and 18.1%, respectively. In all populations a deficit of heterozygotes and positive Fis of from 0.100 to 0.259. The calculations showed that 69.6% due to the diversity within the individual differences, 27.2% of interindividual differences, and only 4.3% are interbreed (interpopulation) differences. Found 100.0% degree of consolidation population ranged from 92.7% in the population of two species edilbaevskoy to 100% in the breed and the Kalmyk population edilbaevskaya 1. Genetic structure of the tree is consistent with the historical aspects of a rock.
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