Psoas abscess as a complication of pyogenic sacroiliitis: report of a case.

Abstract A psoas abscess is, either primary or secondary, a rareentity for a general surgeon. Images by ultrasonographyand computed tomography (CT) can help a generalsurgeon to make an accurate diagnosis when encounter-ing the patient complaining of unilateral lower abdomi-nal deep pain with fever. A case of pyogenic abscess ofthe psoas muscle as a result of sacroiliitis in a 22-year-old man is reported herein. The abdominal CT andmagnetic resonance imaging scans demonstrated a largemultilocular abscess extending along the iliopsoasmuscle, and erosion and a widening of the left sacroiliacjoint. The abscess was drained with an open surgicalapproach and the patient responded well to antibiotictherapy. Aggressive surgical and medical treatment isnecessary in patients with psoas abscess to prevent com-plications. Key words Psoas abscess · Pyogenic sacroiliitis Introduction Pyogenic sacroiliitis is a rare entity and its diagnosismay be late and difficult. A pyogenic abscess of thepsoas muscle is also an uncommon infectious processand is not a well-known condition. The consequencesmay be grave if the condition is diagnosed too late. Weherein describe a patient with a psoas abscess followingpyogenic sacroiliitis.
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