Médicos y sanitarios en el desastre de Annual: (1921)

espanolEl conocido como Desastre de Annual, es una de las mas tragicas derrotas sufridas por el ejercito espanol a lo largo de su historia y no solo por el numero de muertos y heridos que dio a lugar, sino tambien por las repercusiones sociales y politicas que tuvo en el pais el acontecimiento. Protagonismo destacado en estos hechos el de los integrantes de la Sanidad Militar y en especial medicos, de aquel ejercito derrotado que tuvieron que atender a los heridos y que muchos de ellos fueron muertos en cumplimiento de su deber e incluso en combate. Se expone las circunstancias en las que actuaron, desde las instalaciones sanitarias, medios de trasporte o su actuacion en las unidades militares en las que estaban adscritos. EnglishKnown as Annual Disaster, it is one of the most tragic defeats suffered by the Spanish army throughout its history and not only because of the number of deaths and injuries that it resulted, but also because of the social and political repercussions it had. in the country the event. Prominent leading role in these events is that of the members of the Military Health Service and especially doctors, of that defeated army who had to attend to the wounded and many of them were killed in the line of duty and even in combat. The circumstances in which they acted, from the health facilities, means of transportation or their performance in the military units in which they were assigned are exposed.
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