Como reduzir o número de galhas de Meloidogyne paranaensis em raízes de tomateiro usando minhocas? How to reduce the number of Meloidogyne paranaensis galls in tomato using earthworms?

The objective of the present work was to determine the incidence of Meloidogyne paranaensis galls in the roots of Solanum lycopersicum, after inoculation with Amynthas spp. and Pontoscolex corethrurus. The experiment was performed in the greenhouse in a randomised block experimental design was adopted, with four treatments and five repetitions: T1. M. paranaensis; T2. M. paranaensis + Amynthas spp. T3. M. paranaensis +P. corethrurus; T4. M. paranaensis + Amynthas spp. + P. corethrurus. Initially, six adult worms of Amynthas spp. or P. corethrurus, isolated or in the same proportion (3:3), with the previously determined fresh biomass. After one week, tomato seedlings (cultivar “Rutgers”) were transplanted to the pots and inoculated with 5 mL of a suspension of M. paranaensis containing 1 Prof. Dr. do Depto de Solos e Engenharia Agricola, Universidade Federal do Parana, UFPR, Curitiba, PR. E-mail: 2 Discente do Curso Graduacao em Agronomia, UFPR, Curitiba, PR, E-mail: 3 Engo Agro, M.e do Laboratorio de Nematologia, Agencia de Defesa Agropecuaria do Parana, ADAPAR, Curitiba, PR. E-mail: 4 Prof. Dr. do Depto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal do Acre, UFAC, Rio Branco, AC. E-mail: * Autor para correspondencia
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