Foci of enterobiasis and ascariasis in the Świętokrzyskie Province in 2005-2009

Cosmopolitical pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) and human ascaris (Ascaris lumbricoides) are the most often nematode parasitising in human gastrointestinal tract all over the world. Pinworm are more common in temperate climatic zones of developed countries of Europe and the United States, whereas human ascaris is the most often in developing countries of Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Taking into account the widespread occurrence of enterobiasis and ascariasis and their impact on human health, it is necessary to monitor the incidence of these infestations all over the world. The aim of our work was to present the incidence of parasitic diseases caused by Enterobius vermicularis and Ascaris lumbricoides in Central Poland in the years 2005-2009. The research was conducted in Świetokrzyskie Region, which is an agricultural region of Central Poland. The data concerning the incidence of enterobiasis and ascariasis were collected from Provincial Sanitary-Epidemiological Station in Kielce. Foci of parasitic invasion covered only these cases, when at least two people were affected at the same time and the same place. Taking into account the number and localization of foci of enterobiasis and ascariasis as well as socioeconomic data from Central Statistical Office in Kielce, epidemiologic analysis of parasitic infections in Świetokrzyskie Region was done. In the years 2005-2009 in Świetokrzyskie Region 21 foci of enterobiasis and 16 foci of ascariasis were registered. The most cases of enterobiasis were registered in the year 2005 (12 foci). In examined period, the highest number of ascariasis was noted in 2008 (4 house foci and 2 school foci). The high incidence of parasitic infections of digestive tract in Świetokrzyskie Region is a consequence of several fac tors – most of inhabitants are professionally connected with agricultural and forest environment, what makes higher the risk of soil-transmitted helminthiasis. Moreover, it can be also connected with low sanitary conditions and the lack of appropriate environmental security against soil and water contamination with feces.
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