The power optimization on tie-line for the island energy internet based on interactive distribution network

Abstract In order to better study the characteristics of energy internet of pelagic island, this paper summarizes the latest research progress of energy internet, divides the research of energy internet into mainland energy internet and island energy internet, and consider that island energy internet should include two core networks of electric energy and thermal energy. Based on the study of the structure and control strategy of core hardware equipment including energy router, energy switch and energy interface, a three-section structure of island energy internet based on these three core hardware devices is proposed to optimize the current research structure of energy internet. With the geographical location, the optimization on generation of wind power, solar power and other renewable energy on resource island is applied with multiple objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO). The capacity on various sources including battery and fresh water of energy exchange vessel optimized. Finally, the case study about pelagic islands indicated the feasibility of pelagic island energy internet. Finally, the structure of an island energy internet is built.
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