Understanding school subject preferences: The role of trait interests, cognitive abilities and perceived engaging teaching

Abstract Why do students prefer one subject (e.g., mathematics) over another (e.g., languages)? This study examined how both students' individual dispositions and environmental factors predicted school subject liking in a large sample of 3409 Flemish middle-school students. First, subject preferences were found to depend on stable individual dispositions (i.e., trait interests and cognitive abilities). In particular, trait interests (RIASEC) predicted which school subject students liked best in general accordance with vocational interest theory. In addition, cognitive abilities were differentially related to subject liking, with fluid intelligence relating to a preference for mathematics and crystallized intelligence to a preference for humanities (i.e., history). Beyond trait interests and cognitive abilities, however, subject liking also depended on environmental characteristics. In particular, student perceptions of engaging teaching uniquely predicted how students liked their teachers' subjects, suggesting that teachers can promote subject liking beyond individual dispositions.
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