Singlet?Triplet Mixing Due to g-Factor Mismatch in Double Quantum Dot

Two electron spins form the spin singlet or triplet state if these spins have the same g-factor value, or a mix state consisting of both the singlet and triplet states if these spins have different g-factor values. It is considered that two energy levels of electrons are formed in a double quantum dot device for use in quantum information processing; however, the g-factors of the electrons have not been treated as an important factor because they cannot be changed easily in experiments. We introduce a numerical calculation method for the singlet–triplet mix state due to the g-factor mismatch in double quantum dots. It is found that this mismatch changes the energy levels of the original singlet and triplet states; thus, it affects the intersecting points of the energy levels of the singlet and triplet states where a dynamic nuclear polarization appears via hyperfine interaction.
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