Dynamics of a deflated vesicle in bipolar pulsed electric field.

Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) under pulsed direct current (pulsed-DC) fields are promising biomimetic systems to investigate electroporation of cells and vesicles. A question of relevance is the shape deformation of a vesicle when a DC-pulse is applied. Previous theoretical studies have looked at vesicles in DC fields (which are not pulsed). However, a pulsed-DC field yields electric stresses that can push a long time prolate spheroidal shape into an oblate spheroid. In this work, we computationally investigate the deformation of a vesicle under unipolar, bipolar, and two-step unipolar pulses. Our study indicates that the transmembrane potential can be regulated using a bipolar pulsed-DC field. For the ratio of inner to outer fluid conductivity, $\sigma_\mathrm{r}$ = 10, the shape always remains prolate, including when the field is turned off. For $\sigma_\mathrm{r} = 0.1$ and the electric field strength $\beta$ (the ratio of electric to viscous force), $\beta \beta_c$, a metastable oblate equilibrium shape is predicted in pulsed-DC fields similar to that in the DC field. A prolate-to-oblate transition on turning off the field is an important characteristic of the dynamics in unipolar and bipolar pulsed-DC electric fields. When a two-step unipolar pulse (a combination of a strong and a weak subpulse) is applied, a vesicle can reach an oblate or a prolate final shape depending upon the relative durations of the two subpulses. The simulation results can be demonstrated in an experiment under typical experimental conditions.
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