Learning Global Term Weights for Content-based Recommender Systems

Recommender systems typically leverage two types of signals to effectively recommend items to users: user activities and content matching between user and item profiles, and recommendation models in literature are usually categorized into collaborative filtering models, content-based models and hybrid models. In practice, when rich profiles about users and items are available, and user activities are sparse (cold-start), effective content matching signals become much more important in the relevance of the recommendation. The de-facto method to measure similarity between two pieces of text is computing the cosine similarity of the two bags of words, and each word is weighted by TF (term frequency within the document) x IDF (inverted document frequency of the word within the corpus). In general sense, TF can represent any local weighting scheme of the word within each document, and IDF can represent any global weighting scheme of the word across the corpus. In this paper, we focus on the latter, i.e., optimizing the global term weights, for a particular recommendation domain by leveraging supervised approaches. The intuition is that some frequent words (lower IDF, e.g. ``database'') can be essential and predictive for relevant recommendation, while some rare words (higher IDF, e.g. the name of a small company) could have less predictive power. Given plenty of observed activities between users and items as training data, we should be able to learn better domain-specific global term weights, which can further improve the relevance of recommendation. We propose a unified method that can simultaneously learn the weights of multiple content matching signals, as well as global term weights for specific recommendation tasks. Our method is efficient to handle large-scale training data generated by production recommender systems. And experiments on LinkedIn job recommendation data justify the effectiveness of our approach.
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