Immunology in diabetic pregnancy: activated T cells in diabetic mothers and neonates.

Lymphocytes bearing surface antigens indicating early and full activation have been evaluated, in addition to T cell subsets, in blood samples from diabetic pregnant patients, neonates from diabetic mothers and control groups. The type of diabetes and the trimester of pregnancy were taken into account. Monoclonal antibodies were used to enumerate total T cells, helper/inducer, cytotoxic/suppressor T lymphocytes and activated mononuclear cells using antibodies binding lymphocyte surface antigens as markers of early lymphocyte activation, and MHC Class II surface antigens as markers of late activation. A decrease in T-helper cells during the third trimester of pregnancy in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) and gestational diabetic patiens (p<0.02) and a decrease in T-suppressor cells in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic pregnant patients during the third trimester (p<0.01) were observed in relation to normal values. As in normal pregnancy, 4F2-positive cells were increased in 48% of diabetic pregnant patients during the second and third trimesters of gestation. Class II-positive cells were increased in almost 60% of Type 1 and gestational diabetic patients during the last trimester of pregnancy in comparison with normal pregnant women and control subjects. A decrease in T-helper cells (p<0.02) and a clear increase in 4F2-positive cells (p<0.001) and Class II-positive lymphocytes (p<0.005) were observed in the infants of diabetic mothers in comparison with control subjects. The maternal cellular immune system, actively alerted in pregnancy, is fully activated in a number of Type 1 and gestational diabetic pregnant patients. Activated lymphocytes are even found in the neonates of diabetic mothers, but these do not trigger the events leading to the onset of diabetes in the short term.
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