The Application Of Computer Algebra In Modelling And Vibration Control Of A Flexible Manipulator

Kertas kerja ini membentangkan aplikasi algebra computer utk pemodelan dan kawalan getaran sistem manipulator boleh ubah (flexible manipulator). Sebuah model berasaskan simbol menspesifikasikan sifat manipulator telah dibina menggunakan bahasa simbolik berasaskan finite element dan Lagrange. Menggunakan pendekatan ini, transfer function diperoleh dalam bentuk simbolik. Analisis dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji signifikan dan relasi pemboleh ubah fizikal manipulator boleh ubah tersebut dengan sistem tertentu termasuk poles, zeros, kestabilan, frekuensi getaran dan tertentu fasa non minimum sistem tersebut. Hasil akhir simbolik tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk mereka cipta input shaping getaran skema kawalan. Hasil akhir simulasi dari respons manipulator dibentangkan untuk mendemontrasi aplikasi algorithm dalam pemodelan dan kawalan sesebuah manipulator boleh ubah. Kata kunci: Algebra computer, manipulator boleh ubah, pemodelan, kawalan getaran This paper presents the application of computer algebra to modelling and vibration control of a flexible manipulator system. A symbolic–based model characterising the behaviour of the manipulator is developed using a symbolic language based on finite element and Lagrange methods. In this approach, the system transfer function is obtained in symbolic form. Analyses are carried out to investigate the significance and relations of the physical parameters of the flexible manipulator with the system characteristics including poles, zeros, stability, vibration frequencies and non-minimum phase characteristics of the system. The symbolic results are then used to design an effective input shaping vibration control scheme. Simulation results of the response of the manipulator are presented to demonstrate the application of the symbolic algorithm in modelling and control of a flexible manipulator. The symbolic results are then used to design an effective input shaping vibration control scheme. Simulation results of the response of the manipulator are presented to demonstrate the application of the symbolic algorithm in modelling and control of a flexible manipulator. Key words: Computer algebra; flexible manipulator; modelling; vibration control
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