Problems and challenges in accounting in connection with the concept of integrated reporting

The subject of this study is the concept of integrated reporting and the variety of issues it poses to corporate accountability. A number of specific issues related to the implementation of the concept of integrated reporting by enterprises, and from view of the existing environment in Bulgaria, have been analyzed. The purpose of the study is to clarify the need for integrated reporting; its role, scope, content, peculiarities, institutionalization, legal framework and some problems it generates in the banking sector, in the mining industry, among non-profit organizations (professional organizations); its connection with transfer pricing. The study focuses on the following range of questions: what is the state of financial reporting today and why it needs a change; what is the change in the revised IAS / IFRS conceptual framework of financial reporting and how it relates to the concept of integrated reporting; what required the creation of the new concept of integrated reporting and what are the links and interactions between legal financial statements and integrated reports; what is the role and commitment of independent auditors to the information in integrated reports what does the “strategy-risk” issue involve in the integrated reporting of banking institutions and how it can be practically solved; what are the problems and the specifics of the integrated reports in part of the extractive industries; whether integrated reporting would lead to greater usefulness and transparency of information on transfer pricing, related party transactions and company segments; what is the readability of the report information, and whether the integrated reports are able to provide more readable, more understandable and more useful information; does the concept of integrated reporting apply to non-profit organizations (professional accounting bodies and organizations), where non-financial indicators are of the utmost importance and social responsibility is a dominant goal. The total number of analyzed public reports in the survey is about 200; the time period 2010-2016 and the activity of a diverse type of enterprises: economic, incl. public companies, financial institutions, extractive industries and non-profit organizations. Both quantitative and qualitative (verbal) information, both in integrated and in statutory financial reports, has been analyzed.
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