[Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic nephropathy and urinary diagnostic indices: the utility of measuring tubular enzymes (NAG and AAP)].

: Feto-neonatal hypoxia can cause a functional kidney impairment, which is often temporary and not clinically overt, but sometimes leading to acute renal failure. Hypoxic stress may result in a tubulo-interstitial damage, and kidney tubular enzymes determination has proved to be an easy, early, and non invasive method to define a tubular interstitial lesion. A major target of nephrotoxicity is the proximal tubular cell: alterations in brush-border membrane and cytoplasm result in increased turnover processes in the kidney cortex, following by a corresponding increased excretion of alanine-aminopeptidase (AAP) and N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAG) from the proximal tubular cells, long before glomerular or tubular functions are impaired. AAP and NAG excretion is directly correlated with the strength and the duration of toxic alteration of the proximal tubule. NAG and AAP have been already studied in the adults and the children; they have been chosen for this investigation with a double aim: 1) to define the amount of their urinary excretion in relation with gestational age at birth; 2) to evaluate if in the newborn, independently of the gestational age, their urinary concentration may be increased by ischaemic conditions caused by hypoxia. We studied 52 healthy newborns (7 preterm of 33-36 weeks and 45 full-term) and 16 newborns with feto-neonatal hypoxia (8 preterm of 26-36 weeks and full-term) at the forth day of life. Urinary NAG and AAP were assayed by colorimetric methods and the results expressed as mU/mg. creatininuria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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