Recuperación de esquejes de Vanilla planifolia Andrews dañados por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae

One of the problems affecting the cultivation and expansion plans of this crop in the world is its susceptibility to pests and diseases.   Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanilla as the most devastating and decoying main causal agent of stem and root rot disease. Despite being Mexico center of origin and domestication of vanilla, there are currently no genetic materials resistant to this pathogen, nor with effective control methods to this disease. For this reason, this research was raised with the aim of rescuing Vanilla planifolia Andrews cuttings from a shady under-mesh crop affected by the fungus. The rescue of Vanilla planifolia Andrews cuttings attacked by the fungus Fusarium oxyporum vanillae consisted of the implementation of management practices and applications of Chemical Fungicides, which together contributed to the recovery of 100% of the rescued cuttings in the hope that the results of this study will serve as the basis for the establishment of an integrated crop management technical guide and support producers to resolve the affectation of Fusarium that is so commonly presented in this Culture.
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