BrdUrd incorporation studies for evaluation of spermatogenesis in the blue fox.

The utility of BrdUrd incorporation techniques for studies of spermatogenesis was investigated in the blue fox. BrdUrd was injected intraperitoneally followed by collection of testicular tissue by castration/hemicastration at intervals up to 35 day after pulse labelling. Fluorescent tagged monoclonal antibodies against BrdUrd allowed detection of cells with incorporated tracer in histological sections by fluorescent light microscopy as well as in isolated testicular cells by bivariate BrdUrd/DNA flow cytometry. The duration of the spermatogenic cycle was estimated by following the labelled cohort of preleptotene spermatocytes by immunofluorescence in sections through the various stages of maturation to the late spermatid stage. These data were confirmed by bivariate BrdUrd/DNA flow cytometry of testicular cells in suspensions. Furthermore, estimations of the S phase durations and length of the spermatogonial cell cycle were possible. A consistent and satisfactory fluorescence intensity of incorporated label throughout the study shows that degradation of the incorporated label is no practical problem for this type of study, and suggests that the method is an excellent tool for studying aspects of proliferation and maturation during normal as well as perturbed spermatogenesis. Advantages of the described method include avoidance of potential radiation influence on spermatogenesis from commonly used radiolabelled tracers, e.g., 3H-TdR, and that both large and small animals can be investigated at modest cost since the unlabelled BrdUrd is considerably less expensive than labelled tracers.
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