Evaluating the effect of additives on improving asphalt mixtures fatigue behavior

Abstract Acting as a surface which is supposed to tolerate several reloading of heavy axes, pavement shall hold enough resistance against failures. Fatigue phenomenon is one of the most important causes of weakness in road pavement, which is occurred due to reloading of it. Many laboratory researches are carried out with the purpose to enhance fatigue life of asphalt concrete mix, in which researchers have tried to improve quality of asphalt concrete mix against load carrying transportation vehicles. During recent years, additives like polymer, iron powder, hydrated lime, glass wastages, and crumb rubber are also considered for improving tar and, consequently, asphalt mix properties. In this article, effect of using different additives in previous researches on fatigue parameters of asphalt mix was analyzed. Results of this research indicate positive effect of these additives on improving fatigue behavior of asphalt mix.
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